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GitHub Build Tasks

The GitHub builds tasks are methods that are meant be executed as part of a target.

It interacts with the GitHub API using the Octokit NuGet package provided by the people behind Octokit.


GitHubTasks provides build tasks to interact with GitHub releases.

Create Release

Using CreateRelease() you can create a new release on GitHub

This method takes a GitHubReleaseSettings object as an argument. The settings object has the following properties which can be set:

RepositoryOwnertrueThe account owner of the repository
RepositoryNametrueThe name of the repository without the .git extension
TokentrueThe GitHub token used to authenticate with the GitHub API
BaseUrlfalseThe base URL for the GitHub API. Defaults to the Octokit default value
TagtrueThe tag name for the release
TargetCommitishfalseThe commitish value that will be the target for the release's tag
NamefalseThe name of the release. Required if GenerateReleaseNotes is false
BodyfalseThe text describing the contents of the release. Required if GenerateReleaseNotes is false
Draftfalsetrue to create a draft (unpublished) release, false to create a published one
PreReleasefalsetrue to identify the release as a prerelease, false to identify it as a full release
GenerateReleaseNotesfalsetrue to generate release notes automatically by GitHub. If Body is specified, the content will be pre-pended to the automatically generated notes
ArtifactPathsfalseThe optional artifact paths to upload to the release
    new GitHubReleaseSettings()
        .SetName("Release v1.0.0")
        .SetBody("This is the release notes for v1.0.0"));

Generate Release Notes

Using GenerateReleaseNotes() you can generate release notes before creating a release on GitHub.

This method takes a GitHubReleaseNotesSettings object as an argument. The settings object has the following properties which can be set:

RepositoryOwnertrueThe account owner of the repository
RepositoryNametrueThe name of the repository without the .git extension
TokentrueThe GitHub token used to authenticate with the GitHub API
BaseUrlfalseThe base URL for the GitHub API. Defaults to the Octokit default value
TagtrueThe tag name for the release
TargetCommitishfalseThe commitish value that will be the target for the release's tag
PreviousTagfalseThe name of the previous tag to use as the starting point for the release notes
ConfigFilefalseThe optional path to a file in the repository containing the configuration settings used for generating the release notes. Defaults to .github/release.yaml. If that is not presenet, the default configuration will be used


This will generate the same release notes as if you would create a release with GenerateReleaseNotes set to true, but allows you to use a different configuration.

    new GitHubReleaseNotesSettings()

Pull Requests

GitHubTasks provides build tasks to interact with GitHub pull requests.

Create Pull Request

Using CreatePullRequest() you can create a new pull request on GitHub.

This method takes a GitHubPullRequestSettings object as an argument. The settings object has the following properties which can be set:

RepositoryOwnertrueThe account owner of the repository
RepositoryNametrueThe name of the repository without the .git extension
TokentrueThe GitHub token used to authenticate with the GitHub API
BaseUrlfalseThe base URL for the GitHub API. Defaults to the Octokit default value
HeadtrueThe name of the branch where your changes are implemented
BasetrueThe name of the branch you want your changes pulled into
TitletrueThe title of the pull request
BodyfalseThe body of the pull request
Draftfalsetrue to create a draft (unpublished) pull request, false to create a published one
    new GitHubPullRequestSettings()
        .SetTitle("feat: add this super feature"));

Released under the MIT License.