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.NET Build Components

The .NET build components are suitable for .NET based applications.

Build Context

The build context components extend the build with additional information required during the build.


The IHaveDotNetConfiguration build component decorates the build with the .NET configuration to be used during the build.

DotNetConfigurationThe .NET configuration to be used during the build

Ayaka knows two Configuration values:

  • Debug: Which is the default if IsLocalBuild is true
  • Release: Which is the default if IsLocalBuild is false
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {
            Log.Information($"Configuration: {((IHaveDotNetConfiguration)this).DotNetConfiguration}");
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configuration IHaveDotNetConfiguration.DotNetConfiguration => Configuration.Debug;

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {
            Log.Information($"Configuration: {((IHaveDotNetConfiguration)this).DotNetConfiguration}");
dotnet nuke \
   --dotnet-configuration "Debug"
dotnet nuke


The IHaveNuGetConfiguration build component decorates the build with the NuGet configuration used when pushing packages to a NuGet feed.

NuGetSourceThe URL of the NuGet feed. Defaults to
NuGetApiKeyThe API key used to authenticate with the NuGet feed
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {
            Log.Information($"NuGet Source: {((IHaveNuGetConfiguration)this).NuGetSource}");
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    string IHaveNuGetConfiguration.NuGetSource => "";
    string IHaveNuGetConfiguration.NuGetApiKey => "my-api-key-value";

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {
            Log.Information($"NuGet Source: {((IHaveNuGetConfiguration)this).NuGetSource}");
dotnet nuke \
   --nuget-source "" \
   --nuget-api-key "my-api-key-value"
export NUGET_SOURCE=""
export NUGET_API_KEY="my-api-key-value"
dotnet nuke

Build Targets

The build target components extend the build with additional targets that can be executed individually or as part of other targets.

Although, not required by NUKE, Ayaka provides a definition and one or more implementations for each target. The definitions are named using the IHave...Target pattern, for example IHaveDotNetRestoreTarget. The implementations use the ICan... pattern, for example ICanDotNetRestore.

This allows you to create custom targets that depend on a definition, but not on a strict implementation of it. For example, an implementation from Ayaka does not suit your needs, and you want to create your own implementation based on Ayaka's definition.


The ICanDotNetRestore build target restores the NuGet packages for the solution specified in the build parameters.

It does so by executing the dotnet restore command for the entire solution.

The ICanDotNetRestore target implements the IHaveDotNetRestoreTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<DotNetRestoreSettings> ICanDotNetRestore.DotNetRestoreSettings
        => dotnet => dotnet

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanDotNetBuild build target builds the solution specified in the build parameters.

It does so by executing the dotnet build command for the entire solution. By default, it automatically uses the following parameters when building the solution:

  • Uses the configuration specified with the IHaveDotNetConfiguration build context component
  • Uses --no-restore if the IHaveDotNetRestoreTarget build target succeeded
  • Sets the ContinuousIntegrationBuild to true if IsServerBuild is true
  • Sets the assembly, file and informational version if the build is decorated with the IHaveGitVersion build context component

Once finished, it reports the NuGetVersionV2 as Version to the target summary if the build is decorated with the IHaveGitVersion build context component.

The ICanDotNetBuild target implements the IHaveDotNetBuildTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<DotNetBuildSettings> ICanDotNetBuild.DotNetBuildSettings
        => dotnet => dotnet

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanDotNetTest build target runs the tests in all configured test projects.

It does so by executing the dotnet test command for all test projects specified by TestProjects. By default, TestProjects represents all projects within the TestsDirectory directory of the IHaveTests build context component.

The following loggers are used when running the tests:

  • trx;LogFileName={project-name}.trx: Always used
  • GitHubActions;report-warnings=false: If building with GitHub Actions and the test project references the GitHubActionsTestLogger NuGet package

If the build is decorated with the IHaveCodeCoverage build context component and the test project references the coverlet.collector NuGet package, code coverage is collected using the XPlat Code Coverage collector and source link is enabled.

Once finished, it reports the Passed, and optionally the Failed and Skipped tests, to the target summary. Failed and Skipped tests are only reported if there are any.

The ICanDotNetTest target implements the IHaveDotNetTestTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    // Change settings used for all test projects
    Configure<DotNetTestSettings> ICanDotNetTest.DotNetTestSettings
        => dotnet => dotnet

    // Change settings used for a specific test project
    Configure<DotNetTestSettings, Project> ICanDotNetTest.DotNetTestProjectSettings
        => (dotnet, project) => dotnet

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    IEnumerable<Project> ICanDotNetTest.TestProjects => new[]

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanDotNetPack build target packs all packable project in the solution.

It does so by executing the dotnet pack command for the entire solution. Only projects that have IsPackable set to true will be affected by this command.

By default, it automatically uses the following parameters when packing the projects:

  • Uses the configuration specified with the IHaveDotNetConfiguration build context component
  • Uses --no-build if the IHaveDotNetBuildTarget build target succeeded
  • Sets the output directory to the PackagesDirectory of the IHavePackageArtifacts build context component
  • Sets RepositoryUrl property to the HTTPS URL of the current repository if the build is decorated with the IHaveGitRepository build context component
  • Sets the Version property to the NuGetVersionV2 if the build is decorated with the IHaveGitVersion build context component

Once finished, it reports the amount of created packages as Packages to the target summary.

The ICanDotNetPack target implements the IHaveDotNetPackTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<DotNetPackSettings> ICanDotNetPack.DotNetPackSettings
        => dotnet => dotnet

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanDotNetPush build target pushes all configured packages to the configured NuGet feed.

It does so by executing the dotnet nuget push command for all packages specified by NuGetPackagesToPush.

By default, NuGetPackagesToPush represents all packages (*.nupkg) within the PackagesDirectory directory of the IHavePackageArtifacts build context component.


The dotnet nuget push command automatically pushes the symbols package if a symbols package is found in the same directory as the NuGet package that is being pushed.

The target feed and API key is specified by the NuGetSource and NuGetApiKey property of the IHaveNuGetConfiguration build context component.

The ICanDotNetPush target implements the IHaveDotNetPushTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    // Change settings used for all packages
    Configure<DotNetNuGetPushSettings> ICanDotNetPush.DotNetPushSettings
        => dotnet => dotnet

    // Change settings used for a specific package
    Configure<DotNetNuGetPushSettings, AbsolutePath> ICanDotNetPush.DotNetPushPackageSettings
        => (dotnet, packagePath) => dotnet

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    IEnumerable<AbsolutePath> ICanDotNetPush.NuGetPackagesToPush => new[]
        PackagesDirectory / "MyPackage.1.0.0.nupkg"

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanDotNetValidate build target validates created NuGet packages.

It does so by executing the dotnet-validate CLI command for all packages specified by NuGetPackagesToValidate.

dotnet-validate is provided by people behind NuGetPackageExplorer and makes sure that your packages meet certain requirements like being deterministic or having symbols.


You may need to install the dotnet-validate CLI tool before using this target.

The simplest way to do this is by adding <PackageDownload Include="dotnet-validate" Version="..." /> to your build project file.

See Executing CLI Tools for more information.


Please note that dotnet-validate with version 0.0.1-preview.304 and below still requires .NET 6 SDK installed on the build system.

Since the support for .NET 6 ended in Nov 2024, you likely have to install it manually.

By default, NuGetPackagesToPush represents all packages (*.nupkg) within the PackagesDirectory directory of the IHavePackageArtifacts build context component.

The ICanDotNetValidate target implements the IHaveDotNetValidateTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<DotNetValidateSettings, AbsolutePath> ICanDotNetValidate.DotNetValidatePackageSettings
        => (dotnet, packagePath) => dotnet
            .SetProcessLogger((type, s) =>
                // ...

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    IEnumerable<AbsolutePath> ICanDotNetValidate.NuGetPackagesToValidate => new[]
        PackagesDirectory / "MyPackage.1.0.0.nupkg"

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...

Released under the MIT License.