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VitePress Build Components

The VitePress build components are suitable for VitePress based sites.

Build Targets

The build target components extend the build with additional targets that can be executed individually or as part of other targets.

Although, not required by NUKE, Ayaka provides a definition and one or more implementations for each target. The definitions are named using the IHave...Target pattern, for example IHaveVitePressBuildTarget. The implementations use the ICan... pattern, for example ICanVitePressBuild.

This allows you to create custom targets that depend on a definition, but not on a strict implementation of it. For example, an implementation from Ayaka does not suit your needs, and you want to create your own implementation based on Ayaka's definition.


The ICanVitePressInstall build targets installs the dependencies for a VitePress site.

Its does so by executing npm ci command in the directory specified by DocsDirectory of the IHaveDocumentation build context component.

The ICanVitePressInstall target implements the IHaveVitePressInstallTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<NpmCiSettings> ICanVitePressInstall.VitePressInstallSettings
        => install => install
            .SetProcessEnvironmentVariable("MY_VAR", "some-value");

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanVitePressLint build target lints a VitePress site.

It does so by executing the npm run lint command in the directory specified by DocsDirectory of the IHaveDocumentation build context component.


Since the build target just executes a NPM script, you can use whatever linter you want as long as it is not interactive.

Interactive stuff is not suitable for build scripts, as they are meant to be run in a CI/CD pipeline.

The ICanVitePressLint target implements the IHaveVitePressLintTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<NpmRunSettings> ICanVitePressLint.VitePressLintSettings
        => lint => lint

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...


The ICanVitePressBuild build target builds a VitePress site.

It does so by executing the npm run build command in the directory specified by DocsDirectory of the IHaveDocumentation build context component.


Since the build target just executes a NPM script, you can use whatever command you want as long as it is not interactive.

Interactive stuff is not suitable for build scripts, as they are meant to be run in a CI/CD pipeline.

By default, the build target expects the command behind npm run build to be vitepress build and based on this uses the directory specified by DocsArtifactsDirectory of the IHaveDocumentationArtifacts build context component as the output directory (--outDir).

The ICanVitePressBuild target implements the IHaveVitePressBuildTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<NpmRunSettings> ICanVitePressBuild.VitePressBuildSettings
        => run => run

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...

Released under the MIT License.