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GitHub Build Components

The GitHub build components are suitable for working with GitHub repositories.

Build Context

The build context components extend the build with additional information required during the build.


The IHaveGitHubToken build component decorates the build with the configuration used for accessing the GitHub API.

GitHubBaseUrlThe base URL for the GitHub API
GitHubTokenThe GitHub token to authenticate with the GitHub API
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {
            Log.Information($"GitHub base URL: {((IHaveGitHubToken)this).GitHubBaseUrl}");
dotnet nuke \
   --github-base-url "" \
   --github-token "api-token"
export GITHUB_TOKEN="api-token"
dotnet nuke

Build Targets

The build target components extend the build with additional targets that can be executed individually or as part of other targets.

Although, not required by NUKE, Ayaka provides a definition and one or more implementations for each target. The definitions are named using the IHave...Target pattern, for example IHaveGitHubReleaseTarget. The implementations use the ICan... pattern, for example ICanGitHubRelease.

This allows you to create custom targets that depend on a definition, but not on a strict implementation of it. For example, an implementation from Ayaka does not suit your needs, and you want to create your own implementation based on Ayaka's definition.


The ICanGitHubRelease build target generates release notes and then creates a GitHub release.

It does so by calling the GitHub API using the GitHubTasks build tasks.

By default, it uses repository information from the IHaveGitRepository build context component and version information from the IHaveGitVersion build context component.

The release's tag and name will use the v{Major.Minor.Patch} pattern. If this does not suit your needs, you can change this by providing custom settings.

The ICanGitHubRelease target implements the IHaveGitHubReleaseTarget build target definition.

class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...
class Build
    : NukeBuild,
    public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Default);

    Configure<GitHubReleaseNotesSettings> ICanGitHubRelease.GitHubReleaseNotesSettings
        => notes => notes

    Configure<GitHubReleaseSettings> ICanGitHubRelease.GitHubReleaseSettings
        => release => release

    Target Default => _ => _
        .Executes(() =>
            // ...

Released under the MIT License.