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Ayaka tries to split functionality in to small packages to keep dependencies to a minimum. This way you can use only the parts you need and keep your project small and lightweight.

Generally, I structure the packages around features, similar to the official Microsoft NuGet packages.

  • All packages are prefixed with Ayaka
  • The remaining name parts represent the feature that the package extends or provides
  • A package may end with .Abstractions which indicates a feature that may have different implementations but common abstractions


The list of packages thate are currently part of Ayaka

Ayaka.NukeProvides various opinionated build components for simpler build automation using NUKE.Ayaka.Nuke
Ayaka.MultiTenancy.AbstractionsProvides abstractions for multi-tenanted applications.Ayaka.MultiTenancy.Abstractions
Ayaka.MultiTenancyProvides functionality for creating multi-tenanted applications.Ayaka.MultiTenancy
Ayaka.MultiTenancy.AspNetCoreProvides ASP.NET core specific extensions for multi-tenanted applications.Ayaka.MultiTenancy.AspNetCore

Released under the MIT License.